Monday, October 12, 2009

Well, what about this?

I am getting a bit tired of a person being allowed to block a monument-the monument should stand until it's fate is determined. Especially if it has been standing for a long time, a short time-
It is way past time the the minority stop determining the values and life of the majority! They truely don't, nor have they ever-we have just been a bit more tolerant, but that tolerance is swept away and we are ready to clean 'house'!

Think about that, I have let us go do some good!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Who is it that reaches out
is it that turns away?

What is it that drives one to seek perfection?
is it that drives one to seek destruction?

Where is the way to true happiness
Where is the way to complete emptiness?

Why is it that some are quick to praise
is it others are quick to find fault?

and most importantly,

Who, What, Where, and Why

Am I?

Friday, May 22, 2009

twirling, whirling all around, where is it all to be found?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is a rough draft-let me know what you think!

Sometimes I feel like glass....

Sometimes, broken, splintered, smashing to the floor.

Sometimes, dirty, grimy, nothing can get through.

Sometimes, rain splatters relentless-pounding in my head.

Sometimes, not enough times, clear, clean, everything gets through.

Sometimes the sun shines, warming me, taking away the pane.

Sometimes empty, other times reflective-ringing out my soul.

....sometimes I feel like glass

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Carved so long ago,

Young love dancing through the trees....

So much time has gone by

and yet,

our Love

still breezes through my heart

powerful and strong!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions!

Happy New Year!

my ponderings have been GREAT and this is
my PROFOUND Thought of the week...

Let us ALL decide to RESOLVE to

TRY a LITTLE harder to be a little BETTER in at least one aspect of our LIFE each Day!

Simple it sounds, but how simple to do?