ok, well I am starting a journey of self-part of it is physical, or my outer self. I have already lost 6 lbs and total of 10 inches off this body that have stayed off, how? the Wave has become my fun release-if you have never heard of such a thing google it, cost is not so bad, and it is actually fun to do, even if I have been stumbling after the moves, it makes me laugh! I am drinking lots of water most days, and eating better too. I am catching up and in the last 4 weeks have done it for about 2 and 1/2 weeks-got walking pneumnoia that put me back a bit. But NO EXCUSES!
now that I have this out here, I feel accountable somehow, and that should kick in my competiveness to improve myself greatly and so I shall do even better! stay tune for updates!
I am also look at my inner self, I seem so fizzled out, and I don't like that either.
So maybe if I heal the inside and the outside
I will be all right all sided....
or something like that!